Registration_5_CCH (Country Club Heights)
BMP Registration

10/03/2023 to 09/30/2038 (15 years)
76 credits
76 credits (100%)


Registration Area & BMPs
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Credit Schedule
15 years
With proper inspection and maintenance as required through the TMDL program all associated BMPs will function as designed through the 15-year duration.

PLRM Models and Load Reduction
CCH (Project1)
NoUPC73_CCH_Post_w_Pioneer (Scenario10) Expected Scenario 92%
NoUPC73_CCH_Pre_w_Pioneer (Scenario9) Baseline Scenario 92%

19,613.5 73.6 272.3 N/A
4,377.4 19.3 88.3 N/A
Load Reduction 15,236.1 54.3 184 76
Treatment BMPs

Wet Basin BocaWest_Treatment 4,233.8 16.6 51.5 21 Essential No
Wet Basin ElksEast_Treatment 4,131.7 12 34 21 Essential No
Infiltration Basin Boca_South 3,428.8 13.8 53.4 17 Essential No
Infiltration Basin ElksPioneer_Basin 2,491.4 8.3 30.4 12 Essential No
Wet Basin ElksLotBoca_Treatment 841.8 3.7 12 4 Key No
Total 75

No distributed BMPs added to registration

Maintenance will be completed annually in the Country Club Heights (CCH) registered area to ensure proper functioning condition. El Dorado County plans to inspect all key and essential treatment BMPs within the CCH registration in accordance with the protocols described in the BMP RAM User Manual V2 (2NDNATURE 2015) or acceptable equivalent method as required by the NPDES permit. These inspections are used to assess condition/performance and initiate maintenance. Inspections of all BMPs will take place annually during spring, summer, or fall. The County has developed a robust ArcGIS field maps application that will also help direct this effort.
Benchmark and threshold values for BMP condition have been established. These values are typically evaluated in a dry condition but seasonal and storm event monitoring will take place. El Dorado County plans to measure the infiltration capacity of basins using CHP readings or equivalent methods. All BMPs will be inspected per BMP RAM protocols and maintained annually as needed.
Parcel BMPs
Single Family Residential
7% 0%
45.3 10.38 0.71 22.9% 1.6% 493
45.3 10.38 0.71 22.9% 1.6% 493
Multi-Family Residential
19% 0%
0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0
0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0
Commercial, Industrial, and Community Use
5% 0%
0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0
0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0
Other Pollutant Control Strategies

No other pollutant control strategies implemented in this registration