The Crediting Program uses Lake Clarity Credits (credits) to track and report load reductions from effective implementation of pollutant controls in the Urban Upland source category. A credit enables load reductions of multiple pollutants to be combined into a single metric for tracking and reporting. The general definition of a credit includes factors for fine sediment particles (FSP), total phosphorus, and total nitrogen.

The equation below shows the relative weight each pollutant contributes to the credit calculation is determined by a multiplier. The multipliers are set by Lahontan Water Board and NDEP based on an understanding of the unique impact of each pollutant on lake clarity and can be changed through a TMDL Program adjustment. This flexible credit definition anticipates that new science or changes to lake characteristics may increase the relative importance of nutrients to lake clarity in the future, which would warrant an increased weighting for nutrients in the credit calculation.

Lake Clarity Crediting Equation Parameters

Current Equation Parameters: