Registration Details
Treatment/Parcel BMPs

Select a subcatchment on the left to view model input report


: LV01
: 955
: 11%
: DCIB0012

There was an error parsing the PLRM files to create a model input report for this subcatchment


: LV01
: 955
: 11%
: Outfall1

There was an error parsing the PLRM files to create a model input report for this subcatchment


: LV01
: 955
: 11%
: TreatmentVault1

There was an error parsing the PLRM files to create a model input report for this subcatchment

Select a Treatment BMP on the left to view model input report


: LV01
: LV01a
: 2

Infiltration Basin Parameters
Design Parameters Expected Scenario Value Default Lower Value Upper Value
Footprint (sq ft) 1,037 1,000
Infiltration Rate (in/hr) 0.4 0.4 0.05 1.5
Water Quality Volume (cu ft) 3,000 2,500
Characteristic Effluent Concentrations
Pollutant (mg/L) Expected Scenario Value Default Lower Value Mid Value Upper Value
CECs not applicable


: LV01
: LV01b
: 1

Treatment Vault Parameters
Design Parameters Expected Scenario Value Default Lower Value Upper Value
Maximum Treatment Flow (cfs) 4.5 0
Characteristic Effluent Concentrations
Pollutant (mg/L) Expected Scenario Value Default Lower Value Mid Value Upper Value
TSS 57.3
FSP 57.3
TN 2.5
DIN 0.28
TP 1
SRP 0.09