Porous Pavement
Use of sustainable materials to create a durable, pervious surface overlaying a crushed stone base that allow stormwater to percolate and infiltrate into the underlying soil. Porous pavement can include an underlying reservoir to increase infiltration rates. Local stormwater is typically not routed to a porous pavement surface, but rather constructed to minimize the volume of stormwater generated and routed downgradient from a previously impervious surface. Footprint of structural BMP type can vary greatly, typically used for parking lots, sidewalks, driveways or other impervious surfaces.
Applicable Observation Types
Infiltration Rate - User Defined Method Rate-based Observation - 20 % decline from benchmark 100% -
Conveyance - Inlet Condition Pass/Fail Observation n/a n/a pass/fail -
Conveyance - Outlet Condition Pass/Fail Observation n/a n/a pass/fail -
Treatment BMPs
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