Infiltration Basin (using CHP)
A flow through BMP with highly permeable substrate (aggregate or rock) designed to store and infiltrate significant volumes of stormwater into unsaturated zone. Little to no surface detainment storage. Vegetation distribution should be minimal and preferably absent. Moderate to large sized centralized BMP, accepting runoff from a mixed land use drainage area.
Applicable Observation Types
Infiltration Rate - Constant Head Permeameter (CHP) Rate-based Observation - 20 % decline from benchmark 80% Infiltration Rate - Calculated Off-System
Wetland Vegetative Cover Percent-based Observation 0% 20% 20% -
Conveyance - Inlet Condition Pass/Fail Observation n/a n/a pass/fail -
Conveyance - Outlet Condition Pass/Fail Observation n/a n/a pass/fail -
Treatment BMPs
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