Sierra Tract 3&4
BMP Registration

10/01/2016 to 09/30/2018 (2 years)
37 credits
37 credits (100%)


Registration Area & BMPs
Currently viewing of Registration Years Download Table
Credit Schedule
2 years
Lifespan of the project is 20 years. Project was completed between 2016. The Sierra Blvd complete streets project will be completed in 2019, and will provide increased roadside infiltration and load reduction within the catchment. Project will be re-registered in 2019 to include new treatment along Sierra Blvd.

PLRM Models and Load Reduction
SierraTract_3_4 (Project10)
ExpectedRoads_01272017 (Scenario6) Baseline Scenario 100%
ExpectedConditions_02012017 (Scenario8) Expected Scenario 100%

15,267 60 229 N/A
7,938 35 143 N/A
Load Reduction 7,329 25 86 37
Treatment BMPs

Infiltration Basin ST3-4RiverInfiltration 1,673 7 26 8 Key No
Wet Basin ST3_4William 855 3 7 4 Key No
Dry Basin ST3_4LodiDRY 67 0 1 0 Supporting No
Wet Basin ST3_4Chris -98 0 -1 0 Supporting Yes
Infiltration Basin ST3_4Lodi 30 0 1 0 Supporting No
Total 12

No distributed BMPs added to registration

The City plans to maintain treatment BMPs within CSLTE1 based on BMP RAM and NPDES inspections. Essential and Key BMPs and will be maintained by the City Street Maintenance crew on an As-Needed basis. Maintenance will be performed by backhoe and/or hand crew (possible CCC work) to remove excess sediment from the basins. Emphasis will be placed on restoring the soil in the basins to an infiltration rate consistent with the BMP RAM benchmark value.
The City plans to inspect all treatment BMPs with CSLTE1 in accordance with the BMP RAM. Additional inspections may be performed if required by NPDES permits, or to assess performance or maintenance needs. Inspections will take place beginning in spring and will continue through the fall. Essential and Key BMPs will be inspected according to the BMP RAM and NPDES permit. Engineering staff will use the Constant Head Permeameter (CHP) to determine the infiltration rate of the basin. Staff Gauges will also be utilized to determine the amount of sediment in the Basins. Staff will also perform a visual inspection and record results with a handheld GPS unit or field tablet. Inspections of all Basins will take place in the late spring or early summer.
Parcel BMPs
Single Family Residential
7% 0%
40.5 2.83 0 7.0% 0.0% n/a
40.5 2.83 0 7.0% 0.0% n/a
Multi-Family Residential
19% 0%
14 2.66 0 19.0% 0.0% n/a
14 2.66 0 19.0% 0.0% n/a
Commercial, Industrial, and Community Use
5% 0%
17.6 0.88 0 5.0% 0.0% n/a
17.6 0.88 0 5.0% 0.0% n/a
Other Pollutant Control Strategies

No other pollutant control strategies implemented in this registration