Registration Details
Treatment/Parcel BMPs

Select a subcatchment on the left to view model input report


: CIVph2BMPReg
: 815
: 5%
: CIVph211bOF

Catchment Output Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Load Reduction % Load Reduction
Volume (ac-ft/yr) 1.2 1.2 0.4 0.8 67%
FSP (lbs/yr) 256 249 181 68 27%
TP (lbs/yr) 2 2 1 1 50%
TN (lbs/yr) 7 7 3 4 57%
Land Uses
Land Use - Area (acres) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Erosion Potential 3 0.2 0.2 0.2
Roads 1.1 1.1 1.1
Single Family Residential 6.7 6.7 6.7
Land Use - % Imperviousness Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Erosion Potential 3 0% 0% 0%
Roads 51.23% 51.23% 51.23% 80%
Single Family Residential 25.45% 25.45% 25.45% 40%
Road Pollutants
Road Shoulder - % Distribution Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Erodible 23.54% 23.54% 0%
Protected 24.94% 24.94% 24.94%
Stable 51.53% 51.53% 75.06%
Stable & Protected 0% 0% 0%
Road Condition Score - % Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
2.60 100% 88.9% 88.9%
3.40 11.1% 11.1%
Road Drainage
Pathway Drainage - % Road Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
DCIA 48 48 48 10 - 80%
ICIA 52 52 52
Infiltration Facilities 0 0 0
Pervious Channels 0 0 0
Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Infiltration Facilities 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Pervious Channels 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Shoulders 0.43 0.4 0.4
Infiltration Facilities Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Storage (cu. ft.) 0 0 0
Surface Area (sq. ft.) 0 0 0
Pervious Channels Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Average Slope (%) 1 1 1
Length (ft) 0 0 0
Storage Depth (in) 0 0 0
Width (ft) 0 0 0
Parcel Drainage
Land Use - % BMP & Source Control Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 7% 7% 91.6% 7%
Land Use - % DCIA Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 45% 45% 45% 50% 10 - 50%
Land Use - Ksat Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.05 - 3
Land Use - BMP Storage (in) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 1 1 1 1
Land Use - BMP Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5


: CIVph2BMPReg
: 815
: 5%
: WCIF0088n89

Catchment Output Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Load Reduction % Load Reduction
Volume (ac-ft/yr) 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.1 17%
FSP (lbs/yr) 566 428 333 95 22%
TP (lbs/yr) 2 1 1 0 0%
TN (lbs/yr) 6 5 4 1 20%
Land Uses
Land Use - Area (acres) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CICU 0.7 0.8 0.8
Erosion Potential 3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Roads 0.6 0.6 0.6
Land Use - % Imperviousness Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CICU 29.65% 30.83% 30.83% 60%
Erosion Potential 3 0% 0% 0%
Roads 61.03% 61.03% 61.03% 80%
Road Pollutants
Road Shoulder - % Distribution Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Erodible 96.07% 96.07% 76.37%
Protected 0% 0% 0%
Stable 3.93% 3.93% 3.93%
Stable & Protected 0% 0% 19.7%
Road Condition Score - % Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
3.40 100% 100%
Road Drainage
Pathway Drainage - % Road Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
DCIA 100 100 100 10 - 80%
ICIA 0 0 0
Infiltration Facilities 0 0 0
Pervious Channels 0 0 0
Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Infiltration Facilities 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Pervious Channels 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Shoulders 0.43 0.4 0.4
Infiltration Facilities Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Storage (cu. ft.) 0 0 0
Surface Area (sq. ft.) 0 0 0
Pervious Channels Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Average Slope (%) 1 1 1
Length (ft) 0 0 0
Storage Depth (in) 0 0 0
Width (ft) 0 0 0
Parcel Drainage
Land Use - % BMP & Source Control Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 5% 5% 48.3% 5%
Land Use - % DCIA Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 75% 75% 75% 50% 50 - 90%
Land Use - Ksat Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.05 - 3
Land Use - BMP Storage (in) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 1 1 1 1
Land Use - BMP Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5


: CIVph2BMPReg
: 815
: 5%
: CIVph2812OF

Catchment Output Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Load Reduction % Load Reduction
Volume (ac-ft/yr) 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.1 13%
FSP (lbs/yr) 396 341 279 62 18%
TP (lbs/yr) 1 1 1 0 0%
TN (lbs/yr) 5 6 5 1 17%
Land Uses
Land Use - Area (acres) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CICU 0.8 0.8 0.8
Erosion Potential 3 0.5 0.4 0.4
Roads 0.6 0.6 0.6
Land Use - % Imperviousness Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CICU 25.81% 51.86% 51.86% 60%
Erosion Potential 3 0% 0% 0%
Roads 62.03% 62.03% 62.03% 80%
Road Pollutants
Road Shoulder - % Distribution Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Erodible 2.98% 2.98% 0%
Protected 0% 0% 0%
Stable 72.16% 72.16% 72.16%
Stable & Protected 24.86% 24.86% 27.84%
Road Condition Score - % Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
3.40 100% 100%
Road Drainage
Pathway Drainage - % Road Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
DCIA 100 100 100 10 - 80%
ICIA 0 0 0
Infiltration Facilities 0 0 0
Pervious Channels 0 0 0
Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Infiltration Facilities 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Pervious Channels 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Shoulders 0.43 0.4 0.4
Infiltration Facilities Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Storage (cu. ft.) 0 0 0
Surface Area (sq. ft.) 0 0 0
Pervious Channels Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Average Slope (%) 1 1 1
Length (ft) 0 0 0
Storage Depth (in) 0 0 0
Width (ft) 0 0 0
Parcel Drainage
Land Use - % BMP & Source Control Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 5% 5% 32.1% 5%
Land Use - % DCIA Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 75% 75% 75% 50% 50 - 90%
Land Use - Ksat Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.05 - 3
Land Use - BMP Storage (in) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 1 1 1 1
Land Use - BMP Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5


: CIVph2BMPReg
: 815
: 5%
: WCIF0070n71

Catchment Output Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Load Reduction % Load Reduction
Volume (ac-ft/yr) 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.4 57%
FSP (lbs/yr) 304 304 100 204 67%
TP (lbs/yr) 1 1 0 1 100%
TN (lbs/yr) 5 5 2 3 60%
Land Uses
Land Use - Area (acres) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Multi Family Residential 0.5 0.5 0.5
Roads 0.5 0.5 0.5
Single Family Residential 3 3 3
Land Use - % Imperviousness Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Multi Family Residential 52.61% 52.61% 52.61% 50%
Roads 47.1% 47.1% 47.1% 80%
Single Family Residential 20.86% 20.86% 20.86% 40%
Road Pollutants
Road Shoulder - % Distribution Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Erodible 34.29% 34.29% 0%
Protected 65.71% 65.71% 33.71%
Stable 0% 0% 34.29%
Stable & Protected 0% 0% 32%
Road Condition Score - % Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
2.30 100% 100% 100%
Road Drainage
Pathway Drainage - % Road Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
DCIA 100 100 35 10 - 80%
ICIA 0 0 0
Infiltration Facilities 0 0 0
Pervious Channels 0 0 65
Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Infiltration Facilities 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Pervious Channels 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Shoulders 0.43 0.4 0.4
Infiltration Facilities Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Storage (cu. ft.) 0 0 0
Surface Area (sq. ft.) 0 0 0
Pervious Channels Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Average Slope (%) 1 1 5.3
Length (ft) 0 0 225
Storage Depth (in) 0 0 1.9
Width (ft) 0 0 2.5
Parcel Drainage
Land Use - % BMP & Source Control Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 19% 19% 50% 19%
SFR 7% 7% 85% 7%
Land Use - % DCIA Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 55% 55% 55% 50% 30 - 70%
SFR 35% 35% 35% 50% 10 - 50%
Land Use - Ksat Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.05 - 3
SFR 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.05 - 3
Land Use - BMP Storage (in) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 1 1 1 1
SFR 1 1 1 1
Land Use - BMP Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
SFR 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5


: CIVph2BMPReg
: 815
: 5%
: CIVph2812OF

Catchment Output Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Load Reduction % Load Reduction
Volume (ac-ft/yr) 5.3 5.3 3.4 1.9 36%
FSP (lbs/yr) 2,044 1,517 861 656 43%
TP (lbs/yr) 10 8 5 3 38%
TN (lbs/yr) 42 39 25 14 36%
Land Uses
Land Use - Area (acres) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CICU 2.2 2.2 2.2
Erosion Potential 3 0.1 0.1 0.1
Multi Family Residential 13.7 13.7 13.7
Roads 1.9 1.9 1.9
Single Family Residential 1.4 1.4 1.4
Land Use - % Imperviousness Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CICU 31.17% 31.17% 31.17% 60%
Erosion Potential 3 0% 0% 0%
Multi Family Residential 46.07% 46.07% 46.07% 50%
Roads 60.45% 60.45% 60.45% 80%
Single Family Residential 30.58% 30.58% 30.58% 40%
Road Pollutants
Road Shoulder - % Distribution Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Erodible 21.61% 21.61% 8.2%
Protected 4.83% 4.83% 0%
Stable 73.56% 73.56% 74.64%
Stable & Protected 0% 0% 17.17%
Road Condition Score - % Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
3.40 100% 100%
Road Drainage
Pathway Drainage - % Road Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
DCIA 76 76 22 10 - 80%
ICIA 24 24 24
Infiltration Facilities 0 0 20
Pervious Channels 0 0 34
Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Infiltration Facilities 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Pervious Channels 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Shoulders 0.43 0.4 0.4
Infiltration Facilities Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Storage (cu. ft.) 0 0 204
Surface Area (sq. ft.) 0 0 343
Pervious Channels Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Average Slope (%) 1 1 6.4
Length (ft) 0 0 326
Storage Depth (in) 0 0 1.9
Width (ft) 0 0 2.5
Parcel Drainage
Land Use - % BMP & Source Control Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 5% 5% 50% 5%
MFR 19% 19% 41.8% 19%
SFR 7% 7% 67.7% 7%
Land Use - % DCIA Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 50% 50% 50% 50% 50 - 90%
MFR 55% 55% 55% 50% 30 - 70%
SFR 35% 35% 35% 50% 10 - 50%
Land Use - Ksat Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.05 - 3
MFR 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.05 - 3
SFR 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.05 - 3
Land Use - BMP Storage (in) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 1 1 1 1
MFR 1 1 1 1
SFR 1 1 1 1
Land Use - BMP Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
CIC 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
MFR 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
SFR 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5


: CIVph2BMPReg
: 815
: 5%
: WCIF0066to68

Catchment Output Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Load Reduction % Load Reduction
Volume (ac-ft/yr) 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 50%
FSP (lbs/yr) 235 224 186 38 17%
TP (lbs/yr) 1 1 1 0 0%
TN (lbs/yr) 3 3 2 1 33%
Land Uses
Land Use - Area (acres) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Roads 0.5 0.5 0.5
Single Family Residential 1.6 1.6 1.6
Land Use - % Imperviousness Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Roads 53.49% 53.49% 53.49% 80%
Single Family Residential 30.29% 30.29% 30.29% 40%
Road Pollutants
Road Shoulder - % Distribution Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Erodible 73.28% 73.28% 40.72%
Protected 0% 0% 0%
Stable 26.72% 26.72% 59.28%
Stable & Protected 0% 0% 0%
Road Condition Score - % Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
2.30 99% 86.74% 86.74%
3.40 13.26% 13.26%
Road Drainage
Pathway Drainage - % Road Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
DCIA 73 73 73 10 - 80%
ICIA 27 27 27
Infiltration Facilities 0 0 0
Pervious Channels 0 0 0
Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Infiltration Facilities 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Pervious Channels 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Shoulders 0.4 0.4 0.4
Infiltration Facilities Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Storage (cu. ft.) 0 0 0
Surface Area (sq. ft.) 0 0 0
Pervious Channels Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Average Slope (%) 1 1 1
Length (ft) 0 0 0
Storage Depth (in) 0 0 0
Width (ft) 0 0 0
Parcel Drainage
Land Use - % BMP & Source Control Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 7% 7% 100% 7%
Land Use - % DCIA Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 35% 35% 35% 50% 10 - 50%
Land Use - Ksat Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.05 - 3
Land Use - BMP Storage (in) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 1 1 1 1
Land Use - BMP Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5


: CIVph2BMPReg
: 815
: 5%
: CIVph213OF

Catchment Output Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Load Reduction % Load Reduction
Volume (ac-ft/yr) 3.7 3.7 2.7 1 27%
FSP (lbs/yr) 1,919 1,193 664 529 44%
TP (lbs/yr) 8 6 4 2 33%
TN (lbs/yr) 31 27 20 7 26%
Land Uses
Land Use - Area (acres) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Multi Family Residential 11.5 11.5 11.5
Roads 2.2 2.2 2.2
Single Family Residential 2.5 2.5 2.5
Land Use - % Imperviousness Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Multi Family Residential 37.22% 37.22% 37.22% 50%
Roads 54.29% 54.29% 54.29% 80%
Single Family Residential 30.52% 30.52% 30.52% 40%
Road Pollutants
Road Shoulder - % Distribution Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Erodible 30.58% 30.58% 0%
Protected 29.07% 29.07% 0%
Stable 40.35% 40.35% 62.16%
Stable & Protected 0% 0% 37.84%
Road Condition Score - % Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
3.40 100% 100%
Road Drainage
Pathway Drainage - % Road Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
DCIA 100 100 41 10 - 80%
ICIA 0 0 0
Infiltration Facilities 0 0 21
Pervious Channels 0 0 38
Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Infiltration Facilities 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Pervious Channels 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Shoulders 0.43 0.43 0.4
Infiltration Facilities Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Storage (cu. ft.) 0 0 1,199
Surface Area (sq. ft.) 0 0 2,016
Pervious Channels Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Average Slope (%) 1 1 7.8
Length (ft) 0 0 631
Storage Depth (in) 0 0 1.3
Width (ft) 0 0 4
Parcel Drainage
Land Use - % BMP & Source Control Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 19% 19% 15.3% 19%
SFR 7% 7% 100% 7%
Land Use - % DCIA Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 45% 45% 45% 50% 30 - 70%
SFR 35% 35% 35% 50% 10 - 50%
Land Use - Ksat Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.05 - 3
SFR 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.05 - 3
Land Use - BMP Storage (in) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 1 1 1 1
SFR 1 1 1 1
Land Use - BMP Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
SFR 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5


: CIVph2BMPReg
: 815
: 5%
: CIVph210OF

Catchment Output Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Load Reduction % Load Reduction
Volume (ac-ft/yr) 4.5 4.5 3.8 0.7 16%
FSP (lbs/yr) 1,458 1,446 1,357 89 6%
TP (lbs/yr) 8 8 7 1 13%
TN (lbs/yr) 33 33 29 4 12%
Land Uses
Land Use - Area (acres) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Multi Family Residential 9 9 9
Roads 2.7 2.7 2.7
Single Family Residential 8.5 8.5 8.5
Land Use - % Imperviousness Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Multi Family Residential 47.17% 47.17% 47.17% 50%
Roads 64.12% 64.12% 64.12% 80%
Single Family Residential 26.55% 26.55% 26.55% 40%
Road Pollutants
Road Shoulder - % Distribution Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Erodible 48.1% 48.06% 41.29%
Protected 7.32% 7.32% 7.29%
Stable 26.91% 26.91% 29.92%
Stable & Protected 17.71% 17.71% 21.5%
Road Condition Score - % Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
2.30 17.5% 17.3% 17.3%
2.60 81% 79.93% 79.93%
3.40 2.77% 2.77%
Road Drainage
Pathway Drainage - % Road Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
DCIA 55 55 55 10 - 80%
ICIA 45 45 45
Infiltration Facilities 0 0 0
Pervious Channels 0 0 0
Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Infiltration Facilities 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Pervious Channels 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Shoulders 0.4 0.4 0.4
Infiltration Facilities Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Storage (cu. ft.) 0 0 0
Surface Area (sq. ft.) 0 0 0
Pervious Channels Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Average Slope (%) 1 1 1
Length (ft) 0 0 0
Storage Depth (in) 0 0 0
Width (ft) 0 0 0
Parcel Drainage
Land Use - % BMP & Source Control Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 19% 19% 22.7% 19%
SFR 7% 7% 76.6% 7%
Land Use - % DCIA Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 55% 55% 55% 50% 30 - 70%
SFR 35% 35% 35% 50% 10 - 50%
Land Use - Ksat Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.05 - 3
SFR 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.05 - 3
Land Use - BMP Storage (in) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 1 1 1 1
SFR 1 1 1 1
Land Use - BMP Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
MFR 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
SFR 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5


: CIVph2BMPReg
: 815
: 1%
: CIVph215OF

Catchment Output Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Load Reduction % Load Reduction
Volume (ac-ft/yr) 1.9 1.9 0.3 1.6 84%
FSP (lbs/yr) 95 96 14 82 85%
TP (lbs/yr) 2 2 0 2 100%
TN (lbs/yr) 8 8 1 7 88%
Land Uses
Land Use - Area (acres) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Erosion Potential 3 0 0 0
Roads 3 3 3
Single Family Residential 15.9 15.9 15.9
Land Use - % Imperviousness Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Erosion Potential 3 0% 0% 0%
Roads 48.9% 48.9% 48.9% 80%
Single Family Residential 28.4% 28.4% 28.4% 40%
Road Pollutants
Road Shoulder - % Distribution Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Erodible 0% 0% 0%
Protected 0% 0% 0%
Stable 68.92% 68.9% 68.92%
Stable & Protected 31.08% 31.1% 31.08%
Road Condition Score - % Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
2.30 0.53% 0.61% 0.61%
3.40 99.39% 99.39%
Road Drainage
Pathway Drainage - % Road Area Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
DCIA 0 0 0 10 - 80%
ICIA 100 100 100
Infiltration Facilities 0 0 0
Pervious Channels 0 0 0
Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Infiltration Facilities 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Pervious Channels 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.05 - 1
Shoulders 0.43 0.4 0.4
Infiltration Facilities Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Storage (cu. ft.) 0 0 0
Surface Area (sq. ft.) 0 0 0
Pervious Channels Characteristic Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
Average Slope (%) 1 1 1
Length (ft) 0 0 0
Storage Depth (in) 0 0 0
Width (ft) 0 0 0
Parcel Drainage
Land Use - % BMP & Source Control Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 7% 7% 91.3% 7%
Land Use - % DCIA Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 35% 35% 35% 50% 10 - 50%
Land Use - Ksat Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.05 - 3
Land Use - BMP Storage (in) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 1 1 1 1
Land Use - BMP Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Baseline Scenario Value Road Operations Scenario Value Expected Scenario Value Default Recommended Range
SFR 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Select a Treatment BMP on the left to view model input report


: CIVph2BMPReg
: CIVPh28a
: 2

Infiltration Basin Parameters
Design Parameters Expected Scenario Value Default Lower Value Upper Value
Footprint (sq ft) 744 1,000
Infiltration Rate (in/hr) 0.4 0.4 0.05 1.5
Water Quality Volume (cu ft) 443 2,500
Characteristic Effluent Concentrations
Pollutant (mg/L) Expected Scenario Value Default Lower Value Mid Value Upper Value
CECs not applicable


: CIVph2BMPReg
: CIVPh212a
: 0

Infiltration Basin Parameters
Design Parameters Expected Scenario Value Default Lower Value Upper Value
Footprint (sq ft) 1,189 1,000
Infiltration Rate (in/hr) 0.4 0.4 0.05 1.5
Water Quality Volume (cu ft) 708 2,500
Characteristic Effluent Concentrations
Pollutant (mg/L) Expected Scenario Value Default Lower Value Mid Value Upper Value
CECs not applicable


: CIVph2BMPReg
: CIVPh210a
: 1

Infiltration Basin Parameters
Design Parameters Expected Scenario Value Default Lower Value Upper Value
Footprint (sq ft) 1,136 1,000
Infiltration Rate (in/hr) 0.4 0.4 0.05 1.5
Water Quality Volume (cu ft) 676 2,500
Characteristic Effluent Concentrations
Pollutant (mg/L) Expected Scenario Value Default Lower Value Mid Value Upper Value
CECs not applicable